Young Leaders


Shape Your Future

Shape Northern Ireland’s Future

Young people in Northern Ireland can begin shaping our future today and we’re here to help.

Uniting UK’s Young Leaders initiative is a great way for pro-Union young people to get together, hear from interesting speakers, discuss policy and get campaigning.

We’re seeking to partner with other groups of pro-Union young people. By working together, we can amplify our voices, cultivate innovative ideas, and lay a solid foundation for a brighter tomorrow, united in purpose and vision.

Amplify Your Voice and Impact: The World

Northern Ireland in the UK amplifies our voice and impact on the world stage to address global challenges.

As the world’s sixth largest economy, a permanent member of the UN Security Council, COP26 leadership and a member of the G7 and NATO, the UK has the ability to make an impact and improve our world.

We can use our role in the UK to:

  • Combat climate change

  • Deliver economic justice

  • Advance democracy reform

Amplify Your Voice and Impact: The UK

Northern Ireland has a role in addressing UK challenges.

We know the UK isn't perfect and we want to fix what’s broken.

We can use our role in the UK to:

  • Elevate the importance of mental health

  • Invest in our health and social care service

  • Make politics better

Amplify Your Voice and Impact: The Island

Northern Ireland has a role in addressing challenges in the South.

We know the Republic of Ireland isn't perfect and we want to fix what’s broken.

We can use our role on this island to:

  • Expand free healthcare for all in the South

  • Increase spending on international aid in the South

  • End tax haven status in the South


Not Leave.


Not Reject.

Interested in learning more?

Have questions? We want to hear from you. Email us at



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